is it safe to eat grey eggs

The Complete Truth About Grey Eggs: Is It Safe?

Eggs are one of the most nutrient-abundant foods in the world.

They can be prepared in various ways such as frying, boiling, scrambling, or baking. 

However, have you ever tried grey eggs? Yes, we also mean the ones that have natural grey shells.

But here, we’ll focus more on egg yolks that turn grey over time.

While they may seem unusual, they can be just as delicious as other types of eggs.

In this article, we will delve into some interesting facts about grey eggs.

What does it mean if an egg is GREY?

It simply means the egg has been hard-boiled (cooked for too long).

The grey color that sometimes appears around the outside of the yolk of boiled eggs is usually caused by a chemical reaction between the iron in the yolk and the sulfur in the white.

This reaction that causes the grey color to form in boiled eggs occurs when the eggs are subjected to high temperatures or are cooked at high heat for an extended period of time.

Is it safe to eat grey eggs?

Yes, it is. When the eggs are cooked at high heat for an extended period of time they turn gray and this may make the eggs less desirable.

The grey color in eggs, especially the yolk is always a result of the reaction of iron in the egg with hydrogen sulfide.

The reaction is, however, harmless and does not affect the edibility of the eggs. 

Why is it safe to eat grey eggs? 

1. Overcooked not contaminated

The grey color is a result of overcooking or using eggs that are too old, rather than the eggs being spoiled or contaminated.

2. Fully Cooked Egg White and Yolk 

The egg white and yolk are fully cooked and safe to eat, regardless of the yolk’s color.

3. Good Flavour and Texture

The egg may still have a good flavor and texture, even if the yolk is gray.

Is it safe to eat grey scrambled eggs?

The answer is yes.

It is generally safe to eat grey scrambled eggs as long as they have been cooked to the appropriate temperature to ensure that they are fully safe to eat.

The discoloration in scrambled eggs is also because of the reaction of iron in the egg with hydrogen sulfide.

And while your egg yolk may look unappealing because of this, they are still edible and safe to eat.

Are grey-boiled eggs ok to eat?

Eggs turn grey because they were hard-boiled.

They are, however, still very much edible. Even though they tend to have a less appealing texture and flavor compared to properly cooked eggs.

Also, there are eggs with natural grey shells, they too are very safe to eat.

When do boiled eggs go grey?

It’s when they are cooked for longer than necessary. 

According to BBC Science Focus Magazine, when the heat is above 70°C, the sulfur forms hydrogen sulfide that reacts with iron in the egg yolk to form iron sulfide, and this gives it a grey color. 

How do you know if an egg is bad?

There are several ways to determine if an egg is bad:

• Check for any cracks or damage to the shell.

• Perform the “float test” by placing the egg in a bowl of water. If it sinks to the bottom and lays flat, it is fresh. If it stands upright or floats, it is not fresh.

• Use your senses to evaluate the egg. A bad egg will have a strong, unpleasant odor and the yolk and egg white will have a strange texture or appearance.

Keep in mind that the “float test” is not always reliable.

And the best way to determine if an egg is still good is to crack it open and use your instincts to evaluate the color and smell of the yolk and white.

If they appear normal and do not have a foul smell, the egg is likely still good.

How do you stop boiled eggs from going GREY?

Try boiling them for 8-12 minutes at a lower temperature and then immediately placing them in cold water. 

This will help prevent overcooking and keep the yolks from turning gray.

More related questions

Is a discolored egg safe to eat?

Yes, provided the egg was simply overcooked.

The discoloration indicates that it was cooked for too long, and while the texture may appear strange, it is still safe to eat.

How long does it take to boil an egg with a GREY yolk?

When an egg is boiled for too long, the yolk may turn grey.

At temperatures above 70°C, it can take about 12-15 minutes for this to happen.

Why do my scrambled eggs look gray?

When your eggs are overcooked, the three-dimensional structure of the proteins in the eggs is disrupted. 

This causes the proteins to lose their functions and turn the eggs gray.

Are soft eggs safe to eat?

The WHO (World Health Organization) and USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) advise against such. This is because soft eggs have a 1 out of 10 chance of raising the risk of salmonella infection.

However, it’s safe to eat soft eggs as long as the egg is boiled properly at 74⁰C and the yolk is not completely runny.

Are powdered eggs safe to eat?

Yes. Powdered eggs are a convenient and protein-rich food that offers many of the same health benefits as fresh eggs.

This includes immune-boosting and antibacterial properties. 

They are also gluten-free, making them a good option for those following a gluten-free diet.


Eggs are one of the most nutrient-rich foods and they are enjoyed by many people around the globe. 

This is one more reason why it must not only be eaten in moderation but also with caution.

As you’ve already seen in this guide, there are eggs with grey shells and there are those that turn grey when you overcook them. 

If you don’t want your egg (yolk) turning grey, don’t leave it for long hours to boil.

Also, store your eggs properly to extend their shelf life.